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What is gamification?

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Wolfie Work Shop

Gamification is all around us, be that a loyalty card that we use every day in one of your favorite shops. Collection of multiple types of product to then get rewarded with a free product and more. It’s a way to encourage and motivate the person to keep on doing that task as well as constantly making a boring task seem that little more interesting. Commonly gamification is applied to things that you would not usually associate games with. Example could be filing paperwork, brushing teeth, taking a dog for a walk and much more. An example I’m going to mention is running. An application on the App’s store with the name Zombies, Run! Which has clocked around one million plus downloads. It places you in an immersive zombie run where you must assist in saving yourself and 500 survivors to rebuild a base. You activate the application and are…

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Want to Start A Scalable Business? Here Are Some Ideas

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Elliot Chan

 Elliot Chan

You want to start a scalable business because you have huge aspirations. Unlike running the mom ‘n’ pop shops in your neighbourhood, you want more than a few loyal customers. You want to grow your company, reach new investors, and expand across the city, the country, and even the world.

A scalable business is a company capable of multiplying revenue without compromising the resulting profits. You’ll charge the same price per customer if you have 100 or if you have 100,000, and more clients doesn’t equal larger workload. That is a scalable business.

When your company is ready to scale, it’ll have a desirable product and an established business model. Not only will your friends and family think your ideas are great, but investors will come knocking as well.

So where do you begin? What exactly does this type…

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Dial A Guru Complimentary eBook – Gamification in Business by An Coppens

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Dial A Guru


In my view we always learn better when the experience is FUN. As a trainer, I often used games to illustrate behaviours and to bring home important points in a training session. What I found is that how we do one thing is how we do other things too, so our choices in a game very often reflect how we would behave in a real life scenario.

A great game typically has a compelling storyline with a plot where the player becomes the main protagonist and hero on a journey through a number of challenges. I believe this is where learning meets a combination of Hollywood and multi-player online game. You need a good plot and a series of lifelike challenges for the learner with increasing levels of difficulty.

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The Gamification Analysation

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Ok so here are the positions on gamification we are supposed argue for or against for our reflection on gamification.

Gamification presents the best tools humanity has ever invented to create and sustain engagement in people. […] It’s a proven approach using breakthroughs in design and technology to vastly improve the world as we know it…”
– Gabe Zichermann,The Gamification Revolution (2012, p. xvii)

“Gamification is bulls**t.”
– Ian Bogost, game designer and professor at Georgia Tech

But here’s the thing: I’m a fence sitter so I don’t feel like either of these statements are unequivocal but at the same time I feel like they both have merit.

The examples we learned about in class give merit to the quote from Zicherman. Much scientific evidence points toward heighten levels of brain activity and endorphins when people are playing games. And learning through games has worked for children who may not…

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Why Do We Love Gamification?

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Aperio Travel & Tech

Do you sometimes notice that activities that should be supermundane are starting to seem a little less so? Or perhaps even enjoyable? Tedious tasks are becoming more interactive, providing little side challenges and demanding attention at unusual times, all in return for littlerewardswe feel ourselveseverwantingmore and more?This isgamification.

Gamification -A funny sounding word that meansan activity or taskhas, for some purpose,taken onsome ‘traditional game traits’. The usual purpose being to stimulate the user in order to gain more usage time, thusuppingdesiredresultsandtherefore, most likely, increasing profits.

Engagement in anything is key to a company. Whether it’s playing a game on a phone, where the more time a user spends playing directly correlates with success. Or if it’s usage of a credit…

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Gamification in the Corporate Sector (Part 2)

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Ptotem Talk

This is the second and the last article from the series ‘Gamification in the Corporate Sector’. In case, you haven’t checked out the first one, here it is.

Gamification in the corporate sectorNote: Please feel free to use this infographic for any personal or commercial purpose.

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Información de mi blog.

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Este blog fue creado bajo las premisas de la materia Entornos Personajes de Aprendizaje, dictado en la Escuela de Educación, Facultad de Humanidades y Educación de la Universidad Central de Venezuela.

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Profesoras del Dpto de Estadística e informática:

Grecia Almeida

Norelkis Riera.